Sunday, 5 February 2012

Goose & Button Watch Lady & the Tramp! (Date 2)

I am a lover of Disney movies-who isn't!?
BUT Aslan was absolutely appalled to find out that I'd never seen Lady & the Tramp!
I've also never seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings etc. but that is NEVER going to happen!
Anyway, we decided that for this weeks date, we just wanted to stay in! 
I'm the LADY!
& Aslan is the TRAMP (obviously)...
I love our little set-up!
Aslan has to hook up his laptop to the giant computer monitor 
(something I can't for the life of me figure out).
We get the fan blowing & get snuggled in.
I LOVE watching movies!
Oh wait, that's just me.
Decided to finish off the date, I'd arouse Aslan with a blueberry LUSH face mask.
He wasn't too pleased when I made him go get it from the fridge.

& yes, I'm wearing one of my Gramma's nightgowns.
Bow chicka wow woooowwww! 

x Estée