Monday, 9 April 2012

Birthday Celebration: MOM STYLE!

So it was my mum's birthday recently and I thought I might tell you guys what me and Estée got for her and what we did on that day. 
Obviously flowers are a must for any sort of celebration that involves a female but Estée suggested that we get a plant instead of flowers as a plant can flower for much longer. 
It's the gift that just keeps on giving in my opinion! 
With spring in full swing I thought this was a good idea and we went over to 'Wild at Heart' (located at the main entrance of Liberty) and got some purple hyacinth plants that came in this rustic looking bucket. 
 The whole thing does look perhaps a little too 'farmer' at the moment but I am hoping that when the flowers are in full bloom it will look cute.
 But that was not our only task at Liberties that day. 
We decided to kill two birds with one stone and get my mum her present there too. 
Estée was the mastermind behind the idea; we decided a Mason Pearson brush would nice as my mum is big fan of haircare and this seemed like the perfect little hidden English gem. 
We got her the 'Popular' type, which is a large brush with a mixture of nylon and boar bristles. 
An in-depth review of this hairbrush should be on my beauty blog SOON, so keep your eyes peeled!
The brush was a big hit with my mum but I think she was a little underwhelmed with the flower bucket.
We're both convinced she'll love the plant once it starts blooming, though!
 Anyway, it was her birthday and we didn't really have anything planned so she made the decision of going to the Victoria and Albert museum. 
I think the fact that Estée had never been there was the motivating factor there; speaking of Estée here she is in front of some giant wall of Jesus bling.  
We saw probably half of the normal displays and also went in to see the special exhibition about the pictures of the Queen taken by Cecil Beaton. 
I actually loved the exhibition & I'm not normally a Queen-lover. 
Some really beautiful photos that really cause your imagination to wander. 
It was great, but that artifact saturation point hit us and we decided to get out of there and head over for some lunch. 
We went for some Lebanese cuisine at the Comptoire Libanaise branch near South Kensington station. There was a bit of a queue but the wait was worth it; they have some of the most delicious drinks there and great food. 
I absolutely LOVED & I mean LOVED the fresh mint & rose tea! Delicious! 
Here is one of their best creations 'Mira' a.k.a. frozen mint lemonade.
This mint lemonade is one of the most unique things I've ever tasted!
We spotted this amazing creation after lunch. This guy was just riding this ridiculous thing down the road when he suddenly jumps onto the curb and pulls up by the door of this cafe and starts to hit on the girl. SWAG. How could she resist?
The rest of the day was a little painful for me as my mum decided that we were all going to see Titanic in 3D at the cinema.
Goddam you James Cameron for your greed! Why not just let sleeping dogs lie?
Its not that I hate the movie, its just that I have already seen it about 5 times.
My mum and Estée seemed to enjoy it though as they were both crying their eyes out at the then end. 
I didn't actually get the point to the 3D part of this video. In fact, I hate 3D movies.
They give me a headache & it's no different than a normal video.
That being said, it hit me as hard as the first time I saw it! IF NOT WORSE!
 I did get to see Estée with 3D glasses on though which is hilarious since they are way too big on her.

That was it for the day. I think my mum enjoyed it, we managed the pack in the perfect trio (in her eyes): culture, emotion and a meat heavy meal in one day. 


  1. Awww sounds like you had an awesome day :) I know what you mean about 3D films, they're only good if you see them in IMAX cinemas

  2. "...speaking of Estée here she is in front of some giant wall of Jesus bling." Hahaha :)

  3. I agree with the 3D.. don´t see the point.. and it´s just awful..
    but it sounded like a lovely day ;) I can´t wait to live in a city
    where you could have something new and exciting to do everyday ;)

  4. Oh wow, I love mint lemonade. I always order it at any middle eastern restaurant, its so tangy and refreshing. I really enjoy reading you guys' blog posts :)


  5. I love this! Sounds like a lovely day :) I want to go see Titanic 3D at the cinema but no one will go with me - booo :(
    I don't like 3D either.. It always makes me fall asleep! I do enjoy IMAX though :) If you haven't already watched an IMAX film then you need to!

  6. Hey, I love your blog so much so I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award :)


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  8. I love the hyacinth plant idea! My dad got one for his birthday last month and it was really pretty - pink I think.
    Love the blog keep up the good work :)

  9. I am so glad you guys are back to posting on this blog!! I absolutely missed reading this blog while you were away!

    Sounds like you guys had a great day with Aslan's mom! :)

  10. Now follower here, loooove the blog!
    Pls blog often guys :))

  11. sounds like youve been having fun x

  12. aawwhh cutee! i went to the v and a the day after easter with ma fam :) can't say its my cup of tea (im 15) but the building was beastiful adn it was nice to be in london ( i live in scotland)love it of estee could check out my beauty/fashion blog i've started. :) currently a but busy with gsce revision though :/ so fitting in time for posting though!


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  20. خدمات شركات كشف تسربات المياه
    الشركات العاملة فى كشف تسريب المياه يجب أن توفر كلا من :
    العمالة متعددة التخصصات من فرق العمل والكوادر البشرية التي تمنحك الخدمة الأمثل والتي تحتاج إليها.
    التنوع في الخدمات من قبل الشركة فمنها الخاص بمهام كشف تسربات المياه أو مهام العزل المختلفة بشتى أنواعه.
    زيادة أداء المهام والخدمات التي تؤديها الشركة بالاعتماد على أحدث أجهزة الكشف السريعة عن تسرب المياه بدقة متناهية.
    فرصة للاستمتاع بضمانات مؤكدة من قبل الشركة عن المهام والخدمات التي تقدمها فيما يصل إلى 3 سنوات، تتمكن خلالها من الاعتماد على أداء الشركة وتواصلها السريع في حال حدوث أي أخطاء أو مشاكل كانت.
    فحص تسربات المياه
    تهتمكشف تسربات المياه بالدمامعلى تقديم مختلف الخدمات اللازمة لفحص التسربات بأحدث الأجهزة والمعدات الحديثة التي تساهم بالكشف عن تسربات المياه بسهولة والقيام بالإصلاح بدون تكسير.
    1.توفير القطع الأصلية 100% الخاصة بخطوط المياه، حيث تأتيك من المصانع والموردين الأصليين مع أسعار مناسبة ومخفضة بالمقارنة بما هي عليه في أي مكان آخر.
    2.الحصول على السعر الأرخص على الإطلاق أياً كانت الخدمات التي تقدمها إليك شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام المجربة والمضمونة.
    3.تراعي احتياجات المواطنين من القيام بالصيانة اللازمة وتضمن الأسعار المناسبة لكافة الشرائح المختلفة.
    ذلك ضمن خطوات متتالية تبدأ باستخدام جهاز الميكروفون الأرضي وسماع صوت الذبذبات حينها يتم التعرف على أماكن التسرب.
    أنواع تسربات المياه بالمنطقة الشرقية
    تتمتع شركةكشف تسربات المياه بالدمام بالكثير من الخبرات العالية والجودة والتي استمرت لأكثر من 25 عاماً في إصلاح أضرار تسربات المياه بالحمامات والمطابخ .
    كانت سبباً في الشهرة الكبيرة التي تتمتع بها الشركة عن منافسيها، وذلك ما جعلها الوحيدة القادرة على معالجة جميع أنواع التسربات، وهي:
    تسربات سلبية
    تعمل الشركة على الكشف عن التسربات السلبية من خلال الاعتماد على بطاريات يتم شحنها ووضعها في مكان التسرب.
    وحينها تقوم البطارية بإصدار أصوات عالية تدل على وجود تسربات وارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة بها.
    تسربات نشطة
    يتم المختصين داخل الشركة بالقيام بمهمة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض من النوع النشط مستخدمين أحدث التقنيات المتطورة.
    والتي يتم استيرادها من الخارج لتوفير أحدث الحلول.
    تسربات مخفية
    يعد ذلك النوع هو الأخطر على الإطلاق حيث يصعب التوصل إليه أو التعرف على مكانه من خلال الاستعانة بأشخاص غير موثوق بهم،.

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